Tag: IP Address

  • Google Analytics VS Awstats or Webalizer

    Analytics is the study and analysis of data that has been collected. In the case of web analytics that is easily achieved because of the extensive amount of data that is written to log files or sent to a third party server (in the case of Google Analytics) each time the server takes any relevant…

  • Additional Ubuntu Configuration.

    Continued from Install Ubuntu 10.04 server for an installation of Virtualin, Webmin Usermin. 2.    Additional Ubuntu Configuration.a.    After the server restarts login using the Username and password you created above EG: Administratori.    NOTE: For each command line instruction below you will have to add the prefix of “sudo”.ii.    Or you can become the root user(1)   …

  • Install Ubuntu 10.04 server for an installation of Virtualin, Webmin Usermin.

    This tutorial shows the steps to install Ubuntu 10.04 server in preparation for an installation of Virtualin, Webmin and usermin. NOTE: I do not issue any guarantee that this will work for you Basic assumptions.You have a CD with Ubuntu_10.04.iso on it or some other simular device.You have set your CD drive or simular device…